Tax Blog

Contents1 10 Key Facts About IRS Form 8938 2 When is Form 8938 Required?3 If You Live Abroad, You Still File […]
Contents1 What is an Offshore Tax Law Specialist?2 First, Becoming a California (Board-Certified) Tax Specialist3 Is a CPA ‘Board’ the Same […]
Contents1 IRS Form 8938 Reporting Thresholds for Expats2 Single Taxpayer Living in the U.S.3 Single Taxpayer Living Abroad4 Married Taxpayer […]
Contents1 Is an IRS Streamlined Disclosure the Best Option?2 Taxpayer is Willful3 Taxpayer Did Not File Original Tax Returns (Domestic […]
Contents1 Does Offshore Disclosure Require Expats to go to IRS In-Person?2 VDP (Voluntary Disclosure Program)3 Streamlined and Delinquency Procedures4 Examinations, […]
Contents1 The IRS Targets Form 3520 & 3520-A Compliance 2 Common Form 3520 and 3520-A Reporting Examples3 Dana Received a Large […]
Contents1 What are the Penalties for Not Filing FBAR2 Totality of the Circumstance Test3 Intent Is Not Required for FBAR […]
Contents1 Form 3520-A2 What Is Considered to Be A Foreign Trust?3 U.S. Trust with Foreign Assets4 When is a Foreign […]
Contents1 Key Strategic Tax Issues for Offshore Asset Consulting2 First, Who is an Offshore Tax Lawyer Specialist?3 Are you a […]
Contents1 The IRS Investigates Maltese Retirement Schemes2 First, Why The IRS Dislikes Malta Retirement Schemes3 New Malta CAA, Summonses, and […]
Contents1 What is the Repatriation Tax?2 Section 9653 Accumulated Post-1986 Deferred Foreign Income 4 How Does Section 965 Work?5 When […]
Contents1 Concealing Overseas Investments Can Lead to IRS Examinations2 Omitted Overseas Income3 Intentionally Failed to Report Foreign Accounts Assets4 Excluded […]
Contents1 Supreme Court Rules in Favor of the Transition Tax2 What is Section 965?3 Key Parts of the Supreme Court’s […]
Contents1 Overview of IRS Foreign Asset Reporting Late-Filing Programs2 IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure (VDP/OVDP)3 The Streamlined Procedures (SFCP/SDOP/SFOP)4 IRS Delinquency […]
Contents1 For Americans Abroad Returning to the U.S.2 First, Were U.S. Taxes Filed?3 FEIE vs Non-Filing4 Foreign Institution Updated Address […]
Contents1 Taxpayer Advocate Fights for Better Foreign Penalty Enforcement2 What Is the Problem?3 What Is the Solution?4 Late Filing Penalties […]
Contents1 The New Proposed Foreign Trust Regulations 2 $100,000 Gift to Adjust for COLA3 Additional Information About the Transferor4 Dual-Status Definition […]
Contents1 Form 35202 +$100K Gift includes Related Parties?3 It is For More Than Just Cash Gifts4 Were Any Foreign Trust […]
Contents1 Disclosing Offshore Accounts on FBAR and Form 89382 FBAR (5 Key Facts)3 FBAR Reporting is Not a New Form4 […]
Contents1 Expats, Foreign Mutual Funds, and US Tax2 Tax Rules in General for Funds3 Growth vs Distributions (Non-Excess vs Excess)4 […]
Contents1 The International Tax Primer for U.S. Taxpayers and Expatriates2 Worldwide Income3 Global Asset Reporting4 Foreign Income is Taxable5 Foreign […]
Contents1 Are You Thinking About Moving to Another Country2 First, Avoid Online ‘Offshore Planning’ Swindlers3 What They Want You to […]
Contents1 An International Reporting Primer2 Onerous Offshore Tax and Reporting Requirements3 Who Must File FBAR?4 What Types of Foreign Accounts […]
Contents1 Most Common Criminal Tax Questions2 If I Missed Foreign Account Reporting, Will I Go To Jail?3 Is an IRS […]
Contents1 Tax-Favored Foreign Retirement Account2 First, Why is Reporting Tax-Favored Foreign Retirement Trusts Hard?3 The IRS Has Power to Suspend […]
Contents1 FBAR for U.S. Expats2 What is the FBAR?3 Who has to file the FBAR? 4 When is the FBAR […]
Contents1 Should You Move Money Offshore?2 Transferring Money Offshore is Not Illegal3 U.S. Tax and Reporting Requirements4 Hiding Money Offshore: […]
Contents1 Example of an IRS Audit for Expatriation2 Expatriate Tax Filing Documents3 Exit Tax Bond4 Expatriation Examination5 Section 965 Repatriation […]
Contents1 Treasury Proposes Increased Covered Gift Reporting For Expatriates2 Proposed §1.6039F-1(c)(2)(ii)3 Proposed Regulation Example 14 Proposed Regulation Example 25 Golding […]
Contents1 The IRS Investigates Maltese Retirement Schemes2 First, Why The IRS Dislikes Malta Retirement Schemes3 New Malta CAA, Summonses, and […]
Contents1 When Do Expats File Form 5471?2 Appeals Court Overrules Farhy3 Form 5471 Reporting Example4 CFC Subpart F/GILTI5 Failure to […]
Contents1 When Do Expats Report Foreign Assets?2 First, Owing Taxes vs Filing a Tax Return3 Form 8938 to Report Foreign […]
Contents1 When Do I Report Foreign Inheritance to the IRS?2 David is a Visa Holder3 David Applied for LPR so […]
Contents1 Civil Form 3520 Noncompliance Penalties 2 Trust Penalties Section 66773 26 U.S.C. Section 66774 Foreign Gift or Inheritance Penalties5 26 […]
Contents1 Should I Become a U.S. Citizen2 Worldwide Income3 Limited Treaty Elections4 May Be Forced to Give Up Other Citizenship5 […]
Contents1 Should You Worry About Exit Tax?2 Are you a U.S. Citizen or LTR?3 Are you Approaching LTR Status?4 Are […]
Contents1 PFIC Tax Overview2 What is a PFIC?3 PFIC/CFC Crossovers, GILTI, Subpart F and Excess Distributions4 Which Forms to File […]